Metallic Cartridge Reloading!
The NRA Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading course exposes students with little to no prior experience to the basics of reloading centerfire metallic cartridges.

This is an 8-hour course.
Students will receive the NRA Guide to Reloading handbook and all lessons on the safety and the basics of reloading.
Course Goal
“To provide beginning reloaders with the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to safety and effectively reload metallic cartridges.”
NRA Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading Course Lessons
1 – Introduction to Reloading and Reloading Safety
2 – Centerfire Cartridge Components
3 – Using the Reloading Manual and Reloading Data
4 – Metallic Cartridge Reloading Equipment
5 – The Metallic Cartridge Reloading Process
6 – Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading Practical Exercise
7 – Course Review and Examination
There are no prerequisites for taking this course; however, attention to detail is a vital skill in safe reloading. You do not need to be an NRA member to take this class.
Course Completion
Students will receive feedback on the practical exercises conducted during the course. (Reloading some 9mm, .38 sp or .223 cartridges) There is a short written test on the lesson material at the end of the course.
Course Cost: $150.00
Classes held in Maryville, IL.
Please email me here to express your interest,
Instructor: Mark Palmisano